PROJECT UPDATE: Maison Dieu Solar Farm, NSW
Published Date : 2024-September-13, Friday
The exhibition period for Terrain Solar’s Maison Dieu Solar Farm, to be located on a site approximately
10km north-west of Singleton within the Hunter-Central Coast REZ, has been
opened by the NSW state planning authority.
The project involves the construction, operation and
decommissioning of a large-scale solar farm with an integrated Battery Energy
Storage System, a high-voltage electricity substation, connection to the
national electricity grid through the existing Ausgrid Substation, and
associated infrastructure.
After multiple refinements based on community and
stakeholder feedback, as well as environmental and social studies, the project was
reduced in capacity from an initially planned 150 MW to 60 MW AC from approximately
110,000 solar panels. The BESS will have storage capacity of 40 MW / 80 MWh.
The project area includes parts of five lots, making a total
of 203 hectares of land that has historically been used for agricultural
production, containing an actual disturbance footprint of around 90 ha.
The estimated total investment value of the project is $127mil,
and it’s expected up to 150 full time jobs will be supported during the
18-month construction phase and five full time jobs during the anticipated 30
years of operation.
If all approvals are gained, Maison Dieu Solar Farm will be
constructed and operated by RATCH Australia. In a similar arrangement first announced
in October 2022, RATCH Australia will build, own, and maintain the Marulan
Solar Farm and BESS in NSW which was developed by Terrain Solar until handover
last month.
Also in August, AGL Energy entered into a binding agreement to
acquire Terrain Solar and BESS developer Firm Power for a total consideration
of approximately $250 million.